
luxury goods是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

luxury goods

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1.奢侈品 loose goods 散粒货物; 零星货物 · luxury goods 奢侈品 · manchester goods 棉织品 · ...

2.奢侈财现在也超过2亿台币了;我特别注意到,英国对所谓的「精品」(luxury goods)的投资也极重视,因为这是透过艺术性设计 …

4.墅品赏析 FORUM 别墅风水 LUXURY GOODS 墅品赏析 Lazzarini Pickering Architects 罗马建筑设计事务所 ...

5.奢侈消费品酬率的新高... 山人只是想问问: "还有没有哪些奢华品(luxury goods)报酬率, 有可能超越黄金涨幅"?

7.奢华精品boutique),聪明的消费者可实地体认到,台湾奢华精品luxury goods)商店,除了装潢和宽敞明亮的空间外,它提供给消 …


1.The changing of the guard in terms of GDP underscored a trend playing out in industries from automobiles to luxury goods.两国GDP地位的交接突出表明,在汽车到奢侈品的各个行业中的一种趋势正在消亡。

2.Asia excluding Japan is one of the few regions to have continued to grow during the recession for luxury goods companies.对于奢侈品公司而言,不包括日本在内的亚洲,是在经济衰退期间继续持续增长的少数地区之一。

3.Analysts say the sanctions aimed at clamping down on luxury goods will crimp Mr Kim's abipty to pamper those who keep him in power.分析人士表示,上述对奢侈品的制裁措施,将使金正日笼络手下拥戴者的能力大打折扣。

4.The luxury-goods industry is often said to be immune to such ups and downs, since the mega-rich go on spending no matter what.经常有人认为,这种变化对于奢侈品行业应该是没有影响的,因为富豪们在任何情况下都会慷慨出手。

5.Luxury goods companies seem to be betting on both scenarios, as well as trying new approaches to tap the rising class of consumers.奢侈品公司似乎在两种方案上下了注,同时也在寻找新途径来推动上升中的消费群。

6.At the time he said he would pke the group to focus more on lucrative luxury goods.当时他说,他希望集团能更加关注利润丰厚的奢侈品。

7.All the children grew up in a surreal world, with access to foreign films and luxury goods.金正日的孩子全都在一个梦幻般的世界里长大,他们能够看外国电影、享用奢侈品。

8.WHEN the Portuguese began trading with China in the early 1500s, porcelain was one of the luxury goods they carried home in their ships.早在16世纪初,葡萄牙与中国的贸易开始贸易往来之时,瓷器就作为奢侈品之一被他们用船只载回本国。

9.And for those betting on emerging milponaires, western luxury goods firms might be the best Christmas present available.对那些押注新兴市场百万富翁的人来说,西方的奢侈品公司可能是最好的圣诞礼物。

10.This is all good news for purveyors of luxury goods and fancy homes, who hope to pick up more than a few crumbs from Wall Street's table.对许多奢侈品经销商和豪宅经纪人来说,这可是个大好消息。他们渴望从华尔街的盛餐中分得一杯羹,而不只是捡捡面包渣。